Main products: Gherkins ,Pickled Cucumbers ,Gherkins in Barrels ,Gherkins in Drums ,Gherkins in Vinegar

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Good Greens India Pvt. Ltd. is located at Dindigul, the gherkin hub of Tamilnadu, India. Good Greens is engaged in the growing, processing and exporting of pickled Cucumbers (gherkins, cornichons, pickles and relish). With more than two decades of experience in contract farming, our company efficiently tracks and improves the farming practices of its associated farmers. Good Greens strives to produce and process best quality vegetables that adhere to the highest global quality standards. Good Greens processing plant is equipped with all the latest facilities and machineries. The factory has been designed taking into account of the International food quality standards. As a 100 percent export oriented unit, the standards of production, packing and forwarding are all as per the specifications of our international customers. A Professional team of agricultural experts, food technologists and business management personnel monitor and scrutinize every stage, right from sowing to harvesting, processing to packing and deliver best of the class gherkins to our customers. Gherkins are properly graded, sorted, culled, soaked and washed before being put into packaging medium in barrels (240L, 260L) of high density polyethylene certified for storage of food products.

Basic Information

Business TypeManufacturer
Factory LocationNo 70, Mannar Swamy Koil st, Royapuram
Factory Size3,000-5,000 square meters
Main MarketsWestern Europe , North America , Eastern Europe , Mid East , Africa
Main ProductsGherkins ,Pickled Cucumbers ,Gherkins in Barrels ,Gherkins in Drums ,Gherkins in Vinegar
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
Port of ShipmentTuticorin ,Chennai
We ProvideGherkins ,Pickled Cucumbers ,Gherkins in Barrels ,Gherkins in Drums ,Gherkins in Vinegar
Year Established2009

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